Did you know that the skin around your eyes is 10 times thinner than the skin on your body, too? In addition, it has fewer oil glands than the rest of your skin, too. Here at our Lehi dermatology practice, we explain the aforementioned facts to clients who wonder about crow’s feet and fine lines around the eye area.
Since the skin around the eye area is already thin and super-delicate, there’s a huge chance that it gets thinner due to sun exposure, chronic smoking, and other environmental pollutants. Add in collagen loss brought about by aging and the skin around your eyes become so dry giving way to those undesirable wrinkles that can make you look constantly tired and sad.
Furthermore, fewer oil glands around the eye area means the presence of moisture is limited. The lesser the moisture, the more prone you are to eye wrinkles and puffiness due to the frequent dryness. Lastly, the continuous blinking, squinting, and smizing could also worsen the appearance of wrinkles, not to mention the tugging and rubbing of your eyes when applying or removing makeup, crying, or when you’ve got those nasty allergies.
Maintaining Healthy Skin Around the Eye Area
While there are are a lot of over-the-counter products out there that can help achieve and maintain healthy skin around the eye area, we encourage you to get in touch with us so we can help you figure out which products suit you best. You might also want to try Botox and dermal fillers as their results are more noticeable and could last for months.
Call us now at 801-768-8800 or fill out this contact form to schedule an appointment with Dr. Myers to learn more about how to take care of your eyes. We look forward to your visit!