What is Clear + Brilliant®?:
The Clear + Brilliant® laser is optimized for preventing and addressing early signs of aging including skin texture, firmness, elasticity and pore-size appearance. It has been one of our favorite energy devices as it provides less invasive and affordable treatments with minimal if any downtime that can be preventative as well as restorative. Several patients notice improved skin appearance and a “glow” almost immediately, and it is a great introductory laser for patients who do not need more intensive treatments or want to avoid the downtime.
The Permea treatment combines the Clear and Brilliant laser with a topical antioxidant treatment. The special Permea handpiece is optimized for brighter more even skin tone and enhanced skin permeability.
What can I expect with Clear + Brilliant®?:
Our medical professional will gently guide the Clear + Brilliant® hand-piece across the target area and actively treat your skin for approximately 15-20 minutes
What areas does Clear + Brilliant® treat?:
• Skin Resurfacing
• Addresses and prevents early signs of aging skin.
• Improves overall skin quality and texture.
• Stimulate collagen production.
• No downtime