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Rosacea is a common inflammatory disorder that affects upwards of 16 million people in the United States. While it is not a life-threatening disorder, this chronic condition can be life-disrupting as it can be uncomfortable and affect a person’s self-confidence. Symptoms will typically begin to show after age 30 (occasionally in the 20s) and can include flushing and blushing in the cheeks that come and go. These symptoms are usually located on the cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead. As Rosacea progresses, the redness on the face can become more permanent. This happens as small blood vessels begin to become visible on the skin (known as telangiectasias), and small “acne-like” pimples may also begin to appear in the areas of redness. In more severe cases, Rosacea can cause thickening of the skin on the cheeks and nose.

Most patients tend to notice that there are certain triggers that can flare their Rosacea. Some of these triggers include sunlight, stress, spicy foods, alcohol, hot beverages, and exercise. There are many more triggers than listed above, and it is recommended that patients keep a “Rosacea Journal” to track the things that trigger their Rosacea flares.


If you’re thinking about next steps, get in touch to schedule a consultation.